The Rotary Club of Austin Westlake takes up several causes throughout the year. Not only do we support our local community, but we are also involved in global issues as well- Polio+ and ShelterBox. See some our causes below. Contact us for information on all causes supported.


Rotary, along with our partners, has reduced polio cases by 99.9 percent worldwide since our first project to vaccinate children in the Philippines in 1979.  We are close to eradicating polio, but we need your help.  Rotarians have helped immunize more than 2.5 billion children against polio in 122 countries. As of 2016, only two countries remain - Pakistan and Afghanistan.  For as little as $0.60, a child can be protected against this crippling disease for life. Please consider donating to this worthy effort. 

Would you like to join the fight to eliminate polio?
Contact us and find out how. 

Don't have the time?
Donate now and we'll take care of it. 



When a disaster happens, there are a few people running into an area where all others are fleeing for safety. ShelterBox provides portable shelters, cooking equipment, and other essential items to support those affected the most. Our goal is to purchase a ShelterBox that costs $1000 dollars. Help us meet our goal of providing shelter to those in need. 



Teacher Awards & Student Scholarships

Teacher Awards 2016.jpg

It is important for us to safeguard our future while working with other causes around the world. To do that, the members of the Westlake Rotary membership mobilizes every year to raise money and recognize teachers from Eanes ISD that go above and beyond in providing quality educations to the youth of our community. 

We also provide college scholarships to two of our high school seniors. These Westlake High School seniors have exhibited high performance working towards their college education. 

We host a luncheon to honor and celebrate our distinguished local teachers, students, and administrators.



Book Donations 

Literacy is always a noble cause. Every week our distinguished speakers leave a few words of wisdom in a book that we donate to foster children on their behalf. To date, our club has donated hundreds of books to local schools and charities. These books have provided thousands of inspirational words from business leaders, politicians, civil servants, and many other amazing speakers.  

Have a bunch of children's books lying around? Contact us and we will arrange pickup or shipping to donate them on your behalf.


Little Free Libraries

Little Free Library installed in a Westlake neighborhood by Westlake Rotary.

Little Free Libraries (LFL), mounted on a three-foot tall post, are filled with a variety of books, ranging from children’s picture books to teen novels to adult self help books. The idea is that people may come and borrow books at any time and add new books of their own to the library.

Our Rotary Club together with Austin Rotary Club, has built and installed over 18 libraries in the last six years, many in partnership with Interact Club students at Westlake High School. Going forward, we will Our most recent libraries have been installed in collaboration with the Housing Authority of the City of Austin focus specifically on founding FLL sites in lower income communities where childhood literacy is a serious concern. We have established a partnership with the Westbank Library to regularly restock the libraries as needed to ensure that books are always available for people living in HACA communities.