Dr Stefanie Dwyer has a Doctorate in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from the AOMA Graduate School of Integrative Medicine. She practices in S Austin and specializes in pain management, neurological, eye disorders and autoimmune conditions. She moved to Austin in 1992 from upstate NY where she received her BS in Anatomy and Physiology from Cornell University. She is an avid horseback rider and dog lover. She also loves to travel, preferring to see the world from under the ocean scuba diving. She lives in Dripping Springs with her husband and 15 yr old daughter and a menagerie of 4 leggeds.
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Earlier Event: November 20
11/20/2019 Board Meeting
Later Event: December 6
12/6/2019 Luncheon: Mardi Wareham, CEO, Singing Telegrams of Austin