Heather Sheffield is honored to serve as a Trustee on the Eanes ISD school board. She was elected to Place 6 in May, 2019. Professionally, Heather is a Business Development Representative for Capital Title of Texas. She has spent the last several years working as a pro-bono advocate. Her experience in business, as an advocate, and as a former 1st grade teacher, along with her volunteer work, led her to run for the school board. She has held almost every possible volunteer role within a school, including PTA President. Since moving to Eanes ISD with her husband, Brian and two children, Heather has been extremely involved at both the campus and district level as well as at the Capitol. Heather attended almost all of the EISD Board Study Sessions and Board Meetings since moving to the district along with the 2018-2019 Bond Advisory Committee meetings. She founded the group Eanes Advocates in 2017 and sat on the District Leadership Team from 2016-2019. She was an original member of the Envision Eanes committee and was a member of the 2018-2019 calendar committee along with the Eanes ISD Legislative Priority committee for the 86th Legislative Session and the Special Education Parent Working Group. Heather supports the Eanes Education Foundation and continues to proudly serve on the EEF Teacher Fund Committee. She was also instrumental in helping to pass the "Penny Swap & Drop"/Tax Ratification Election (TRE). Heather has gone to great lengths to learn about and understand the complicated school finance system in Texas.
Heather is the current Board President of the grassroots group, Texans Advocating for Meaningful Student Assessment (TAMSA). She testifies at the State Board of Education meetings and at House and Senate hearings at the Capitol often on behalf of Eanes Advocates, Decoding Dyslexia, TAMSA, and Texans for Public Education. Heather is invited to and regularly attends Texas Education Agency stakeholder meetings and was selected to be a parent participant on the Texas Education Agency's Special Education Teacher Certification Policy Forum. Heather is also a Volunteer Deputy Registrar, an active member of the Junior League of Austin and a Patroness of the Hills of Austin chapter of National Charity League.