Dr. Fernández worked in academia from 1979 to 2018 with a hiatus at MIT for his MS and PhD. Developed the first Mechatronics class in the US (1993). He have degrees in Chemical Engineering (1979), Materials Engineering (1981), and Mechanical Engineering (1985 MS, 1988 PhD), with minors in Oil & Gas, Polymers, Systems Engineering, and Electrical & Electronics Engineering respectively. Have (or have filed application for) 6 patents in recurrent neural networks, mixed-signal processor, robust diagnostics, extreme resilient devices, chaotic hybrid encryption, and persistent user authentication.
He will present The Whisper Company (https://TheWhisperCompany.com), that has patented and patent-pending disruptive enabling technologies that enable private & secure communication while helping people regain ownership of their information. TWC’s MVP (Minimal Viable Product) is invisible-ink™ that guarantees 100% prevention of unauthorized access. [i-i]™ is available FREE for personal use in the App Store (https://apple.co/3mkeGbq).