Mart is a native of Dallas and has lived in Austin since1975. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from SMU, his Master of Science in Social Work from the University of Texas at Austin, and his Master of Business Administration from St. Edward’s University.
Mart is a retired Clinical Social Worker, Administrator and Teacher. Professionally, Mart has been responsible for developing Therapeutic Camping programs, serving as Superintendent of the Brownwood State Home and School, and Administrator of the San Marcos Treatment Center, a Brown School Psychiatric Facility for Adolescents. While at the Texas Youth Commission Central Office, Mart served in several key roles including that of Deputy Executive Director. He was a member of the Brownwood and Greater San Marcos Rotary Clubs. He is now a member of the Rotary Club of Austin. During the latter part of his professional career, Mart thoroughly enjoyed being a Fourth Grade Teacher at Walnut Creek Elementary School.
Over the years, Mart’s church responsibilities at Tarrytown United Methodist Church have included Youth Program Leadership, SWIFT Class Co-President with wife Sue, as well as, co-leading the Marriage Exploration Class with Sue for over 30 years. He has also served as Lay Leader and is a Stephen Minister. In 2008, he served as one of the founding members of Capital City Village and currently serves on the Board of Directors as President. He also serves as the Event Coordinator for the CCV/Tarrytown UMC Annual Golf Tournament.
During his leisure time, Mart is an active camper, canoeist and golfer. One of his major “Bucket List” goals is to visit a National Park in each of our 50 states. Currently, he is half way there!
Sue is a native of St. Louis, Missouri, who has lived in Austin since 1975. She received her Bachelor of Science degree from SMU and her Master of Science in Social Work degree from the University of Texas at Austin.
She is a retired Marriage and Family Therapist and Clinical Social Worker. Professionally, Sue has worked as a teacher, a Social Worker in the areas of therapeutic wilderness camping, developmental disabilities, hospital social services and blindness. For 25 years she has been in the private practice of psychotherapy at Austin Psychotherapy Associates, focusing on the treatment of mood disorders and trauma. She retired at the end of September, 2011. She has held leadership positions in the EMDR International Association and has been named the University of Texas School of Social Work, Charles I. Wright Distinguished Alumna of the Year in 2010.
Beginning in 2008, Sue and a hearty band of aging friends began forming an Austin community of self support for aging happily, healthily and gracefully in their own homes. The group is named Capital City Village and now has offices in the AGE Building. Their aim is to “Live Well at Home” with “one call does all” service. While serving on the CCV Board of Directors as President, Sue also served on the Mayor’s Task Force on Aging.
Sue is active in her leisure time: camping, reading, traveling, canoeng, bicycling and in her church. Her husband of 56 years, Mart, is a retired administrator and teacher.
They have two adult children who live in Prosper and Austin, and 3 grandchildren.